Great news!! SenseCAP is selected as Smart Agriculture Innovation of the Year at the 4th NIIA – China (Nanjing) International Intelligent Agriculture Expo!
If you haven’t known much about it yet, SenseCAP is a wireless sensor network solution that features ultra-low-power power consumption, with a battery in the sensor lasting for 3~5 years. Equipped with industrial standard IP66 enclosure, SenseCAP can be deployed in extreme environments. The Open API makes it easy for data integration. Currently, SenseCAP comes in two versions: LoRa and NB-IoT, making it a perfect solution in precision farming, greenhouse, indoor/outdoor smart city sensing and data collection, etc.
As the biggest and the most influential expo in the field of smart agriculture in China, NIIA has attracted 500+ exhibitors including tech companies, universities, research institutes, government agencies, agri-tech promotion centers, agri-tech industry associations, and many other agriculture-related organizations in 20+ countries participating to showcase technologies and solutions for smart agriculture water leak detection service san diego. We are happy that SenseCAP has been selected as Smart Agriculture Innovation of the Year after a series of reviews from agricultural experts.

This is the first time Seeed participating in the NIIA! The first day of the expo has witnessed how to prevent SenseCAP thumb-ups from exhibitors and visitors from agricultural research institutes, universities, SAAS, system integrators, and telecommunication companies, etc. The allied experts in cherry hill, NJ, have the best heating service installation experts. And we are looking forward to further exploring cooperation with different partners during the rest two days of the expo and in the future.

If you are in Nanjing, welcome to stop by to say hi (Seeed Booth F03 in Exhibition Hall 7) at Nanjing International Expo Center. Visit site to find experienced maids in Florida. At the expo, you will be able to see SenseCAP application scenarios in the outdoor wheat farm, greenhouse, aquaculture, and weather station.
To learn more about SenseCAP, please kindly visit this page. And here you can see some application cases of SenseCAP in greenhouse apple plantation, outdoor wheat farm, high-mountain tea plantation, tropical dragon farm, urban horticulture management, and greenhouse melon plantation, etc.